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DoorKing was established in 1948 and has become one of the leading manufacturers of gate operators and telephone entry units in the United States. As a leading innovator in the gate and access control industry, DoorKing was the first company to use microprocessors and magnetic limits in their gate operators. They continue to lead the way in safety and innovation to this day. DoorKing’s Wiegand access control panels and telephone entry units are flexible and can work with most 26 Bit Wiegand access card readers and radio receivers. There are a wide variety of DoorKing access card/key fob readers including ones that work with HID, AWID, IDTeck and their own DKProx technology as well as others. They also have a line of long range vehicle tags plus the ability to integrate other 26 Bit long range vehicle tag/transponder readers.
Showing 1–12 of 20 results
SKU: 1508-191
SKU: 1508-195
SKU: 1508-198
SKU: 1815-318
SKU: 1815-319
SKU: 1508-112-nn
$12.70 Add to CartSKU: 1326
$5.05 Add to CartSKU: 1346
$8.45 Add to CartSKU: KT
$6.60 Add to CartSKU: skc06 dks
$8.35 Add to CartSKU: skc04 dks
$9.45 Add to CartSKU: 1508-120